Window Tinting Solutions for Every Space

Window tinting is extremely versatile, and we at Garvin Auto Spa want to always be at the forefront of leveraging these beneficial enhancements for all applicable purposes. A growing application for both commercial and residential properties in the McMinnville area are window tinting for properties of all kinds! These packages offer a plethora of benefits that extend far beyond aesthetic appeal, though their contemporary look certainly should not be understated.

Our Residential Window Tinting Products

  • Reflective Window Film
  • Dual-Reflective Window Film
  • Neutral Window Film
  • Specialty Window Film
  • Ceramic Window Film
  • Harmony Window Film
  • Spectrally Selective Window Film

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A Tinting Partner in the Residential Real Estate Space

Residential window tinting is growing in popularity for customers here in the McMinnville area and beyond. These products provide dedicated homeowners with an added layer of privacy and security most importantly. We at Garvin Auto Spa do see these as a burglary deterrent as a result. While that benefit cannot be understated, residential window tinting still allows enough natural light in to brighten the spaces of your home. Our package options are an excellent way to protect your home from the sun's harsh rays, which can cause fading to furniture, carpets, and artwork. The energy efficiency benefits are equally impactful in residential settings, leading to decreased energy bills and a more comfortable living environment.

Our Commercial Window Tinting Products

  • Solar Control Film
  • Decorative Film
  • Safety and Security Film

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Transform Your Commercial Property into a Better Asset

For commercial spaces, professional window tinting plays a truly pivotal role in reducing glare from the sun, enhancing privacy for businesses where customers may be visible from the outside otherwise, and protecting merchandise from the harmful effects of the sun or prying eyes. This is particularly beneficial for storefronts, restaurants, doctor offices, and various office settings. Similar to our residential window tinting packages, the energy-saving aspect of commercial window tinting enhances your property as an asset. By blocking a significant amount of solar heat, it helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature, thereby reducing the reliance on air conditioning and, in turn, lowering energy costs.

Let’s Start Your Window Tinting Project Today!

Whether you are looking to enhance the energy efficiency of your office building or seeking added privacy for your home, we have a range of products exclusively tailored to suit your specific needs at the time of installation. Take control of your property and book your window tinting package today by calling Garvin Auto Spa at (503) 472-4278.

More About the Benefits of Commercial and Residential Window Tinting 

  • Improved Energy Efficiency

    Commercial buildings have large windows, and while they are necessary for natural light and a happier work environment, this can lead to significant heat gain during summer and even heat loss in winter. Window tinting from Garvin Auto Spa helps regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the strain on your property’s HVAC systems and leading to much lower energy bills. Similar to commercial settings, residential window tinting helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature in all aspects and allows you to save money year-round.

  • Put a Stop to Sun Glare

    Glare from the sun is a nuisance in workplaces and homes without a doubt. This simple occurrence can greatly affect employee comfort and productivity, obscure your view of your TV or computer screen, and even be frustrating while sitting at the kitchen table. Keep glare to a minimum or eliminate it all with window tinting from our team! These will reduce glare and make it more pleasant to be in your property, both commercial and residential.

  • Privacy is Prioritized

    Privacy in a property of any kind is vital, no matter if it is your home or place of business. Tint the windows on your commercial or residential property and watch the level of privacy for both your employees and visitors at your home go up two-fold! The darkness level of our window tint film products here at Garvin Auto Spa do act as a burglary deterrent in similar fashion to vehicle window tinting, making it extremely hard to see inside from the outside world without making your interiors too dark.


How Does Garvin Auto Spa Tint the Windows on Your Property?

Step 1: Window Surface Preparation

The first and most crucial step that we follow here is to thoroughly clean the windows of your property. This involves removing all dirt, dust, grit, and grime from the window surface using a high-quality glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth or squeegee to avoid inducing defects. It is essential to ensure that the windows are completely dry before we proceed, as any residue or particles left on the glass can lead to imperfections in the tint application. The window film is then measured and cut to match the dimensions of each window pane on your property.

Step 2: The Full Tint Application Process

A soapy solution, often a mixture of water and a small amount of application solution, is sprayed liberally on the window surfaces when all pieces of your package have been cut. This solution allows for the window tint film to be moved and adjusted on the glass surface for proper positioning before curing. The backing of the film is carefully peeled away, and the adhesive side of the film is gently placed onto the glass surface. Starting from the top, the film is applied while ensuring it aligns properly with the window edges and we press the film onto the glass to remove any air bubbles and excess water.

Step 3: Applying the Finishing Touches

Any excess film extending beyond the window frame is carefully trimmed using a sharp utility knife. Then, a final pass with the squeegee is made to ensure all edges are firmly adhered and there are no air pockets. The windows are then inspected for any imperfections, and any necessary touch-ups are made before we allow your tint to cure, which can take up to 30 days.

Save Energy, Reduce Glare, & Increase Privacy

Fill out and submit our window tinting quote form & our expert tint installers will reach out ASAP with a direct quote.

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Building Window Tint

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